Pecha Kucha



Looking at the negatives, there is the expected improvement feedback like speaking too quickly, slurring my words, and not looking at the audience. 
More importantly, however, the presentation said nothing about sound, environments, and other characters. I had forgotten to talk about sound despite it being planned out and is entirely my fault.

Looking at the positives, the game's simplicity, the short game time, and the learning experience I will gain from it are the concept's strengths, as well as the descriptions of my dropped and chosen concepts.

As for my own personal reflections, I'm happy with the fact all of my slides had little to no text. However, I clearly messed up on the "PechaKucha" part as my presentation is 11 minutes long and a PechaKucha Presentation should be around 6-7 minutes.

Overall, this was probably my best presentation yet. A bad Pecha Kucha, but a very good presentation.

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